Why Join GCA?

The Georgia Chiropractic Association is YOUR partner in success. Since 1912, GCA has been fighting for chiropractic rights and providing the education doctors and chiropractic assistants need to ensure their practices run smoothly and efficiently.
When you join GCA, you:
- Maximize your insurance and Medicare reimbursements with FREE access to our 24/7 online insurance hotline submission form!
- Ensure your right to practice is protected. GCA is the only chiropractic association in Georgia that funds a lobbyist who is at the Capitol every day during the General Assembly and works year-round with regulators and legislators on issues that impact your practice and patients.
- Remain on the cutting edge of the profession with the information you need to better treat patients, run your office efficiently and keep up with important changes in healthcare. GCA offers multiple opportunities throughout the year to fulfill your continuing education requirements at a discount, as well as hosting business-related seminars and podcasts. The popular Advanced Chiropractic Assistant course ensures your staff knows how to properly manage your office, and the members-only e-newsletter keeps you updated on the latest Medicare, insurance and legislative issues.
- Gain valuable insight from your peers. New to practice? Don't re-invent the wheel! Connect with successful doctors to discover the secrets of setting up an office. Members also connect to share information on technology solutions and consult on patient care.
- Save money. Being part of GCA entitles you to group buying power discounts you wouldn't be eligible for on your own. From disability and health insurance to Orlando vacations, some of these savings may cover the cost to join!
It's great to be a member of the Georgia Chiropractic Association, and once you see our full list of member services and benefits, it'll be easy to understand why!
Get answers to your specific questions as well as enjoy access to steeply discounted programs to make sure you are reimbursed fairly.
- Access to GCA's Insurance & Medicare Hotline
- Low credit card processing rates through Wingman Payments (information included in membership packet)
- Discounted access to GCA's lien webinar, taught by GCA General Counsel Aubrey Villines.
- Listing on GCA's Relief Without Addiction patient-focused website.
- Discounted health insurance that meets all of the compliance requirements of the Affordable Care Act and saves you tons of money with our Partner The Success Finder Association (TFSA).
- Disability insurance programs through Kansas City Life.
- Low credit card processing rates through Wingman Payments.
- Mortgage Loans & Financing discounts through Brookhaven Mortgage.
- Discounts on Orlando Vacations and the Georgia Aquarium.
- Compliance assistance for cash patients with ChiroHealthUSA.
Expand your network and referral base by attending GCA's many events, meeting chiropractors from around the state.
- Network with chiropractic peers from around the region at our educational events, including our Spring and Fall Conferences.
- Meet and connect with your legislators at our annual Chiropractic Day at the Capitol.
- A semi-monthly e-newsletter with exclusive information provided only to GCA members.
- Fun networking events held throughout the year!
- Print-ready flyers and prescription pads to leave with M.D.s to build referrals.
We're the ONLY state chiropractic association with a lobbyist at the Georgia Capitol every day of the legislative session. We are fighting for YOU and YOUR RIGHT to practice chiropractic in our state.
Are you ready to save money and build your practice? Ready to serve and protect your profession for years to come? Ready to be a part of the legacy that is GCA?
Join today by clicking here or call us at 770-723-1100 to become a member NOW.
